28 Sept 2009

7/7 Conspiracy Theorists

Here it is September already. The year has flown by at a great rate. Winter is on the turn and hints of spring flash out from the blossom trees in the street, the roses starting to bud and best of all, our avocado tree is flowering!!

The tree was a present from SBS & his SH, the first Christmas we spent in this, our new home. He said it took at least 7 years to bear fruit and that meant we had to stay here, for at least that long. It is a slow process, tree growing. He need have no fear that we would move; this home is it for us. There will not be another move.

FBS, SBS & his SH and her dog, have moved in together into a lovely old villa in Central Auckland. It is a great home for them, plenty of room and good grounds for the dog to run around. It is also within walking distance to all their places of work. I can now pop in and see all of them at once, and it makes catching up that much easier. We all work shift work and it is a matter of some planning for us all to be in the same place at the same time, but it sure is worth it.

I have been thinking, as I frequently do, of the process of grief. I watched the 9/11 programme that held the voice messages of loved ones to their families. These were grueling to listen too as most of them knew they would not make it. The protocols of the dying and of those left behind, means that there is no preferable way to come to the end of a loving relationship. Many of those who spoke, took comfort from hearing the voice of their loved one. For me, it was the panic of unanswered messages to her cell phone, of hearing her voice on the recorded message, saying, to leave a message and she would get back to me. She never did of course, and that was the point that it really sank in, that I might never hear from her again.

I kept ringing her cell phone, even after we had returned to Auckland, just to hear her voice. I am not sure where her phone was, maybe in amongst the thousand of items collected by the police investigators; I don’t know. I just know that I rang it and she spoke. I knew it would end sometime, but it was horrific when I rang it maybe some 6 months after the event, and got the standard message that this number is either out of range or no longer available.

Update 28/09: Last night on the “Sunday” programme they ran a story about the 7/7 Conspiracy theorists. These are people who firmly believe that the 7/7 bombings were undertaking by the British Government. The story they ran was from a British documentary, which we knew had screened prior to7/7 this year. It was not available over here at the time and it was sheer chance that we happened to catch it on TV last night, one of the benefits of channel surfing I guess.

I have to say my blood was boiling through most of the programme. It wasn’t until the final segment, when they exposed the stupidity of the conspiraloons that I managed to calm down. These people are complete nutters with an agenda of proving themselves right. They don’t have all the information and are not directly involved in the situation. They are driven by some kind of desire to show that governments lie and deceive all the time and their own egomaniacal personalities.

Personally I find their actions despicable. They don’t care about the dead and injured from such events. They don’t care about logic or facts. They embarked on an active hate and threat campaign against Rachel North, one of the most amazing young women I have met in my life. She was also on the programme and as usual, spoke with a voice of reason.

Perhaps the most worrying effect of these fuckwits, is that the Muslim community in London, or should I say some of the Muslim community, believe everything they say. This may of course have to do with such crap putting them in the role of victim as opposed to aggressors. It was horrifying to hear a Muslim leader at the Birmingham Mosque say the things that he did say.

From the minute Shelley’s Dad and I set foot in London on 9/9/2005, we were briefed by the head of the security services. We had frequent meetings with them over this time. These men were devastated by this act of terror and there is no way they would have been able to be as they were, if they had been party to this act of terror.

On my return to London on the first anniversary, my HB & I meet with the same officials at Scotland Yard. They showed us information that is not generally available to the wider public, and were also still restrained by what they could reveal to us, due to the upcoming trials relating to 7/7.

One of the stories the conspiraloons keep saying is that the bombs were underneath the trains and the 4 Muslim men were patsies, set up by the secret service. Don’t ask me how.

I saw photographic evidence of the impact of the bombs. The belief that the explosion was underneath the carriage is based on the fact the floor of the carriage appeared to have exploded upwards and inwards. The facts are, the bombs were exploded on the trains, by these young men. Due to the location of the Kings Cross train, at the time, the bomb exploded internally then due to the confined space, a secondary blast occurred as the fallout had no where else to go. For these fuckwits to keep opening their mouths with such drivel is not only extremely disrespectful but also shows them to be more idiotic than we already know them to be.

The survivors and the forensic investigations have pieced together the real story of the 7/7 bombings. Those who need to know, know the facts. Nothing anyone else can say will change these truths. It would be great if these idiots just shut the fuck up and let those involved try to keep on building their lives, as best they can.

Kia kaha,


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